10 Year Anniversary

January 8, 2021

Author: Angela Noble

Author: Angela Noble

We were reminded recently of the importance of celebrating the small things, however seemingly insignificant relative to major world events unfolding all around us.

In that spirit, we’re filled with gratitude as we celebrate the 10 year anniversary of signing our very first client. That day in 2011 was the beginning of a journey full of twists and turns that ultimately led to a marriage, a cross-country move, and three business structures before finally going full-time and incorporating as Noble Intent, Inc. in 2017. 

Looking back at that first client and project (a website we charged $500 for!) seems like so long ago. If you would have told us then that over the years we’d be adding one or two 0’s to that proposal, we wouldn’t have believed it. We wouldn’t be here without the trust and support of all of you — our clients, colleagues, mentors, and friends. 

Our tenth year culminated in signing our 99th and 100th clients this week! Throughout the years — 100 clients later — we have built nearly 70 websites, created many logos and brand identities, and partnered with regional, national, and international companies across a wide range of industries.

As we begin our 11th year serving clients and building websites, we’re looking forward to meeting our 101st client and many more in 2021 and beyond.